English Hrvatski German Polis italian Cesky Vodice / Travel guide to one of best summer oasis on Adriatic, Dalmatia, Croatia

Private apartments Skroza - Vodice


Travel documents: Passport or other identification document recognised by international agreement. Tourists can stay in Croatia up to three months. Further information: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia (Tel: 01 4569 964), http://www.mint.hr

Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 Lipa coins, 1, 2 and 5 Kuna coins and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna banknotes. Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks, exchange offices, post offices and at most tourist agencies, hotels and camping grounds. Eurocheques can be exchanged in banks, although travellers are advised to check with their own banks, as the Eurocheque service is in process of being phased out. Banking hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays banks are open until 1 p.m. In the larger cities some banks are also open on Sundays. Credit cards: Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, Sport Card International). Cash dispensing machines are ubiquitous.

Electricity: 220V, 50Hz

Water: Tap water is potable throughout Croatia.

The telephone code for Croatia is +385.

Time zone: GMT plus one hour

Customs: There are no Customs charges for personal belongings. Foreign currency can be imported and exported freely. Domestic currency up to the value of 2,000 Kuna can be exported. Professional and technical equipment of significant value should be reported when entering the country. Pets must have valid international veterinary certificates.

Purchase tax reimbursement for foreign citizens: Tourists making purchases in Croatia (apart from petroleum derivatives) which exceed 500 Kuna per receipt may reclaim VAT ("PDV"). At point of purchase the sales person will provide on request a form PDV-P, which should be filled out and stamped, on the spot. On leaving Croatia the receipt must be verified by the Croatian Customs service. A PDV refund in Kuna can be obtained within six months, either at the same shop where the goods were purchased (in which case the tax is refunded immediately), or by posting the verified receipt back to the shop, together with the account number into which the refund should be paid. In this case the refund is dealt with within 15 days of receipt of the claim.

Medical care: Medical assistance is available in hospitals providing a 24-hour emergency service.

National holidays: 1 January - New Year's Day; 6 January ? Epiphany; Easter Sunday and Easter Monday; 1 May - International Labour Day; 30 May - Independence Day; 22 June - Antifascist Day; 5 August - Homeland Thanksgiving Day; 15 August ? Assumption; 1 November - All Saints' Day; 25 and 26 December - Christmas Holidays.

Working hours: Shops and department stores are open between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., or to 3 p.m. A smaller number of stores close between noon and 4 p.m. Many stores are also open on Sundays, especially in the summer, and a smaller number in the larger cities are open 24 hours a day. Public services and companies usually work from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

Post and Telecommunications: Post Offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Saturdays until 1 p.m. There are Post Offices in the larger cities which are open until 10 p.m. in the summer. Postage stamps are sold in Post Offices and at newsstands.Public telephones can be used only with phone cards, which can be purchased in Post Offices and at newsstands, in hotels and tourist complexes.

Useful telephone numbers: Police 92, Fire brigade 93, First Aid 94, Information Centre 985, Road Aid 987, Road Aid (mobile) 01/987, HAK ? Croatian Automobile Club ? Information on Conditions on the Roads 01 46 40 800, general Info 981, Information for Tourists 0800 200 200.

Radio programme in foreign languages:
Croatian Radio 1st Programme, at 92.5 MHz ? news in English every day at 08.30, 10.03, 14.03, 20.03 and 24.10. Crotian radio 2nd Programme at 98.5 MHz from 1 July to 15 September after the news in Croatian, every hour from 06.30 to 21.30, broadcasts the report on conditions on Croatian roads (Official HAK?s report) in English, German and Italian. In addition, HAK will broadcast its reports for yachtsmen twice a day in same languages.



Aquarium and museum of maritime tradition Vodice Apartments Crljenak Vodice HOTSPOT TRIBUNJ VODICE Private Apartments Moreta Vodice REAL ESTATE CROATIA HOTEL PUNTA VODICE
